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First Lady Dotson

Elect Lady Carolyn Dotson:  Was born in 1965, to  Mr. Tymson  Ates & the late Mrs. Hazel Ates,  in the chapel hill community in tyler,tx Elect Lady Dotson Graduated from high school in 1983,  she also attended Tyler Junior College Right after High School her earthly dad currently serves as a  trustee  at his home church, while her lovely mother has gone to be with the lord, Sister Dotson is a vital part of what God is doing in the ministry where her Husband is the founding Pastor, Shes the Mother of  two sons Joshuwa, and Kerry Dotson also the grand mother of two grandchidren, Cameron, and Candice Sister Dotson also Heads up our Women Department which holds an  annual meeting every year in november, the 1st. Sunday in november, along with 5th Sundays, also coming in 2013 an  ANNUAL Women s retreat, with area  women missionaries & evangelist with a goal in mind to strengthen & encourage women in ministry ( such as DEBORAH in the book of judges) ( and  also Proverb 31  Virtuous Women) Our Elect Lady would like to leave theses word  with you, Greetings to all my  Brothers & Sisters in Christ ,my prayer and vision is that we continue to grow in grace together and be like- minded, having the same love, being of one accord, I believe the first desire of a child of God is to be a servant in his kingdom, mark 10:42-45 says, But Jesus called them to him and said to them, you know that those  who are recognized as governing and are supposed to rule the Gentiles (the nations) lord it over them ruling with absolute power, holding them in subjection, and their great men exercise authority and dominion over them, But this is not to be so among you; instead, whoever desires to be great among you must be a servant, And whoever wishes to be most important and first in rank among you must be slave of all, For even the Son of man came not to have service rendered to him, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Thanks Church for all the prayers & support  be Encourage
also, God has given sister Dotson sereval armour barriers, sister Ryder & sister Donnell
                                                                                                                 Elect Lady Dotson
Your Humble Servant
Elect Lady C. Dotson


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