Men Of Valour
Miracle Center Church Of Tyler Men Of Valour Our God has Called Men from the beginning of time, to himself for a divine purpose, first of all we are made in his image( genesis 1: 27-28 Adam) Secondly we are called to service, & at times to a leadership roles (exodus 3;1 - 6 Moses) God also Call the Young because they are strong genesis 37 joseph (1 Timothy 1) ( 1 peter 2: 13) God calls men because we resemble him (God) in strength, mind , body & spirit were able through God to bear all things for the image & glory of God & for others as well ( Philipians 4: -13 ) it is in theses times that we are processed for God so we can Carry out Gods Plan (jeremiah 29:11) for our lives & Gods Purpose ( Daniel 3)(Daniel 6: 16 - 28 ) in closing! and the angel of the Lord appeared unto him, and said unto him, the Lord is with thee, thou Mighty Man Of Valour. ( Gideon ) ( Judges 6: 12 )

Founder/Senior Pastor
Deacon Burnley
Deacon Raibon
Deacon Ates
Brother Dotson