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Our Pastor


A. Dotson

Greetings,  my brothers & sisters;  we greet you in that matchless name of Jesus Christ. And also thank you for visiting our web- site,  we pray that our creator will  use it to bless you. Allow us to start  out  by telling you a little bit about our Pastor. He was born and raised in  Tyler, Texas. A family of 9 children (3 girls and 6 boys). He graduated from high school in 1983. He was raised like most poverty stricken  families, with much struggle, but thanks be to our God they  made it through. He hated Sundays, and when he did go to church he just went because, he was told to go. He like many others before him, got caught up in the things of the world.  He knew that he did not belong  there, but somehow,  he GOT CAUGHT UP IN THE WORLD OF  Crack Cocaine, to the point that  he thought about committing suicide. Can you imagine that? But one day in 1989,  he cried out to God, on the side of his bed, and  he was saved, Praise God! and the church of God got in him.  HALLELUJAH!

brother Dotson as he was known then, served as a junior Deacon,under the leadership of the late Bishop Willie A. Ferguson sr, senior pastor at the time of Browning Memorial I.M.E (Independent Methodist Episcopal) Church Tyler, TX. the late Bishop W. Ferguson was called to a different sister church in Huntsville, TX. Many different pastors assumed the pulpit at brother Dotson's home church (Browning. M.I.M.E) However, it was under the leadership of Reverend S. Cooper, that, then brother Dotson got a second chance at redemption (brother DOTSON GAVE HIS LIFE TO GOD. Praise God!!!

Before, he received  his license to preach brother Dotson served under Pastor Cooper's ministry for 15 years in various functions(st Luke 16: 12), as a janitor, Transportation clerk, Sunday school teacher, Sunday school Superintendent, Deacon, Assistant pastor. Only by the grace,will, and  purpose of God. Minister Dotson served faithfully, and in turn recieved his license from the Church Of God In Christ, Inc. in 1996, and became minister Dotson. After receving his license to preach. Then minister Dotson was the first District treasurer of the W.B. Houston Memorial District.(C.O.G.I.C, district Superintendent DR. R. Atkins, Prelate Bishop D.R. Houston TNE#2).

In 2005 God spoke to then minister Dotson after serving faithfully in another man's ministry."It's your time". God gave minister Dotson the name "Miracle Center". Minister Dotson obeyed. God elevated minister Dotsoon to Pastor Dotson, and the rest is history(and history is yet being written). God has blessed, and God continues to bless, Praise God!!!  Pastor Dotson is also the founder of a weekly television telecast called "Be Encourage", that aire's every Sunday morning at 6:30 a.m. in 56 Texas cities. In 2016  a pastor approached pastor Dotson about bringing his ministry under the guidance, and spiritual covering of Miracle Center Church of Tyler, TX. Pastor Dotson said yes. In a very short time three other pastor's joined the fellowship. With other pastor's enquiring.

So, In April of 2016 pastor Dotson was elevated to Bishopric and founded Fellowship of First Christian Ministries Inc.(Acts 11:26). A inter-denomination, and none-denomination spiritual organization. A place where pastors can pray, open up about ministry as well as get help, and guidance with fulfilling God's mission for their ministry, and personal life (Proverbs 27:17)."FELLOWSHIP". The organization is currently headquartered in Tyler, Texas. Praise God!!!

Bishop Dotson has successfully completed his Associate of Religion of Arts degree at Liberty University School of Divinity Lynchburg, Virginia http://www.liberty.edu/online/ 


Bishop Dotson, is currently pursuing his Backelor of science in religion from the same university, and will  graduate soon. 

Praise God!!! many thanks for visiting our web site. "Stay Encourage"

Wow! After many years of waiting, praying, and obeying God; God has allowed Pastor Dotson, to take time out of higher education, to write several book ( in which, his first book, Titled: "GREATNESS", Sub-Titled "Identifying, Discovering, Cultivating, and Un-Leashing God's GREATNESS within you."  Will be on/hit bookstores/shelfs all around the world by June 2021 or Early March 2021. A MUST READ. Go back and read Pastor Dotson's autobiography and you will understand why this book "GREATNESS" is a must read. God has worked throughout Pastor Dotson's life, even when Pastor Dotson did not know it at times (at an early age), nor understood it, BUT God had a Plan (Jeremiah 29:11).

Below are just parts of the introduction of this new book.


GREATNESS: the quality or state of being great (as in size, skill, achievement, or power). 

Many people have walked this earth as I write this book the last count, the population stands at or around (7.7 Billion as of 2019) (for further study visit the link at the end of this book (we may never know the exact amount). Out of the people who have walked on the earth (those who have come and are now gone). And yet there are still countless number of people walking around everyday who have not identified their GREATNESS and put that GREATNESS to good use. (HOPEFULLY, THIS BOOK WOULD HELP YOU TO DO SO). (EVERYONE NEEDS TO START SOMEWHERE) RIGHT? Hopefully, you are in agreement/concur. 

Michael Jeffery Jordan, Jack Nicklaus the (Golfer), John McEnroe (the tennis player), Tyler Perry, and Many Others.

Ask yourself what do all these individuals have in common/alike? What would be your answer? One thing all these people have in common/alike? Yes, they all did one particular thing/something better or at a higher level than others. One simply answers. They all identified that seed(s) of GREATNESS WITHIN THEM. 

Pastor Dotson writes in the book about his own process of Discoving his "GREATNESS". That brought him before GREAT individuals,that helped him (pastor Dotson) become a department store manager; of a company valued over 2 Billion dollars. After serving (5) faithful years in this capacity, pastor Dotson was able to walk away from that job in good standing with God, and company officials (pastor Dotson remains in contact with some officials unto this day). (you may retire, thats o.k. too). And pursue a time full time job in ministry. God gave all that money back and more (God is still moving/blessing) Pastor Dotson's GREATNESS,everywhere God leads. Also Coming in late 2021 early 2024  More Books "Life Lessons/Principles Volume 1, and "My Life Then And Now", "Vision, What do you see?", and "A Yielded life to Jesus Christ"

Check Back for accurate date up publication. Avaliable in all formats Thanks!! (soft copy and maybe hard copy, downloads, e-books) etc... 

                                                                                                                                  Pastor Dotson
Up Dated 12 /07/2020                                                                                                        


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